In the pursuit of
King’s Leadership Academy provides excellent opportunities and progressions that are the envy of any secondary school in the country. King’s is an educational community whose philosophy embraces the development of academic excellence, responsibility, character, leadership and friendship through the delivery of an exciting and challenging curriculum delivered in a safe environment where intellectual risk taking is encouraged.

King's Foundation Curriculum
Students in Years 7-8 complete the King’s Foundation Programme of Study, a 28 hour weekly curriculum, aligned to the English Baccalaureate and other GCSE programmes of study, which begins more formally from Year 9. We believe it is essential that all pupils acquire a competent grasp of English, Mathematics, Science, a Modern Foreign Language, History, Geography, Philosophy and Public Speaking. Each of these subjects are taught in the morning session as part of the ‘Academic Arc’ alongside our award winning ASPIRE character programme. Creative, Physical and Leadership subjects such as Programming, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education and CMI Leadership are taught every afternoon within the ‘Creative Arc’.
King's Senior Curriculum
From Year 9, all students at King’s follow a broad and balanced Senior (GCSE) curriculum designed to develop and master the essential skills that they need to learn and progress into Sixth Form.
English Language and Literature, Mathematics and the Sciences are core (or compulsory) subjects for all pupils. A Modern Foreign Language, one Humanities subject (History or Geography), Physical Education and Leadership are also included as core subjects for all pupils.
The ‘non-core’ curriculum is slimmed down from Year 9 to allow students to apply greater focus in the subjects that they wish to continue to study into Year 11 and beyond. Students can select two ‘focus’ subjects including Art, Drama, Music, Computer Science, and a second subject from the Humanities and/or Modern Foreign Languages. For more information, please see the GCSE Curriculum Brochure.
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The curriculum provides meaningful opportunities for each pupil to strengthen his or her character. This involves courses and activities in school time and beyond.” Ofsted 2019
Sixth Form Courses
The Sixth Form curriculum has been designed to provide pupils with a broad and flexible choice of traditional and ‘facilitating’ academic subjects and courses at A-level to prepare them for entry to the top Universities and professions. Each course has its own entry requirements. Please see the Sixth Form webpages and course booklet for more information.