ASPIRE - A Values-led Education
Character, Leadership and PSHE/SMSC
At the heart of King’s is our ASPIRE code. We believe in encouraging our students to use a moral compass to guide themselves through life. ASPIRE is an acronym of the values of aspirations and achievement, self-awareness, professionalism, integrity, respect and endeavour. It’s embedded in school life, even in the language we use.
Each learning cycle will focus on one value in depth and students will take part in linked assemblies and Character lessons which include PSHE and Leadership. Additionally each learning cycle has a bespoke Super Learning Afternoon for each year group that links to the ASPIRE focus. World of Work workshops take place each learning cycle, ensuring our students are equipped for tomorrow’s world and every 7 weeks our Parliament Ministry meetings take place. Every student attends a Ministry of their choice and so feel they have a voice at King’s.
We have also created a bespoke Character curriculum that allows students to understand PSHE topics and link them to our values. Here we are able to discuss a variety of important topics from British Values to Relationships and Sex Education. All of our Character lessons allow students to reflect on their overall wellbeing and place in the world. We also invite guest speakers and local charities to help deliver workshops to promote the importance of personal and economic wellbeing.
In the Foundation years, students have an hour a week studying PSHE topics and will link them to the targeted value (please see the learning plan link). For example, when focusing on the ASPIRE value of respect, pupils will look at smoking and discuss how smoking shows a lack of respect for their physical wellbeing.
As students’ progress into the Senior years they will continue to discuss topics such as LGBT rights, careers and democracy in Britain. This takes place once a week. Relating these PSHE topics to our values encourages our students to grow into well rounded young people, ready for living in the wider world.
Additional to this, our Year 7 and 8 students study Public Speaking, Philosophy, and Ethic (PPE). This curriculum is linked to the Character programme and ASPIRE values. It promotes tolerance of different faiths and relates ethical topics to their world and their own wellbeing.
Our ASPIRE values permeates everyday life here at King’s and prepares our students to be resilient and respectful citizens.
Please take a look at our Curriculum Lead document.