The foundation curriculum in English introduces students to their literary heritage: plays, poems, novels and non-fiction texts, as well as the mechanics of grammar, spelling and vocabulary. Students begin their English journey at King’s by examining the origins of the English Language and how it has developed over time. This chronological journey continues in Year 7 with students exploring topics such as Shakespearian Sonnets, Merchant of Venice and the Gothic Genre. As students progress into Year 8, they build on what they have learnt in the previous year and explore a range of high-quality texts such as Animal Farm and War Poetry.
The senior programme is when students begin to work towards the AQA English Language and Literature examinations. The English Language course will consist of a number of different elements: unseen literature, literary non-fiction, non-fiction texts, creative writing and writing for a specific purpose. This new specification aims to expose students to a wide range of high quality and challenging texts. The English Literature course will give students the opportunity to study one of Shakespeare’s plays, a 19th century fiction text, modern drama or prose and an anthology of poems.
The Mastery programme builds upon the skills developed in KS3 and KS4. The course will encourage wide and independent reading, alongside different types of critical approach and how texts can reflect cultural meanings. The English Language specification at A Level explores how language is placed in its wider social, historical and global contexts. Again, high levels of independent study are needed in order for students develop their skills in writing for a variety of audiences and purposes. During the course, students will discover linguistic frameworks and how they can use these to analyse and interpret language.
Courses offered:
- AQA English Language
- AQA English Literature
- A level English Language
- A level English Literature
Enrichment and trips
We believe enrichment is fundamental to the English curriculum at King’s and we provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities that are designed to complement the students’ studies and foster an enjoyment of great literature.
Below are just some of the examples of activities that take place throughout the year:
- Shakespearian Super Learning Days.
- Poetry by Heart competition.
- Theatre trips to see performances such as Romeo and Juliet, Blood Brothers and many more.
- Author visits and workshops.
- World Book Day celebrations.
- After school enrichment such as debating society and media club.
- World of Work speakers from English-related careers.