Learning Plans

All pupils at King’s follow Learning Plans in all English Baccalaureate subjects each learning cycle. Learning Plans detail the programme of study for these subjects, setting out the knowledge, skills and understanding your child will be taught each week. They also signpost the assessment procedures including the home-learning that will be set each week. By following the Learning Plans parents can supplement the work being done in King’s through further enrichment activities and independent study.
Study programmes are downloaded onto students’ iPads and placed into their exercise books in order to refer to the progress objectives and outcomes regularly each lesson. We firmly believe that when students have a thorough understanding of what they are learning now, and how this fits into both previous and future learning, they are more likely to fully grasp the context and big picture, and their learning will be accelerated. At the heart of the study programme for every learning cycle is the ‘Challenging Question’. This places the expected learning in a particular context for all subjects and challenges their thinking through open ended investigations and deeper learning.
Each learning cycle follows a series of colour coded weeks:

Green Week
This is where the ‘Challenging Question’ is set for that learning cycle in consultation with students. The green week is also where excellence is defined for the challenging learning to be acquired.
Red Week
The final 2 days of week 6 are dedicated to assessment. This is where students sit an end of learning cycle test in the main hall, in order to more formally assess their progress in each of their subjects.
Yellow Week
This is where a mid-learning cycle progress check is undertaken. This is important after 3 weeks, as enrichment during the morning or afternoon can then be targeted and personalised to ensure all students make expected progress in all subjects. Time is set aside in lessons during this week for the teacher to give individual feedback to each student and help set personal targets to maximise their performance in the end of learning cycle assessment.
Blue Week
The first 3 days of week 7 are dedicated to ‘Gap Teaching’. The information from the Red Week and previous learning feeds into a series of subject specific activities which target what students have not grasped and need additional time. Following this, each student’s ‘current cumulative progress status’ for every subject is then ascertained. This information is summarised as a national curriculum level and effort grade and is sent home to parents as a learning cycle report. A consultation evening for parents/carers is also held during the blue week.
At the end of each Learning cycle, that is, 5 times per year, you will receive a report which will give you information about your child’s progress in the subjects they are studying and an indication of their end of year and end of key stage targets. Both effort and attainment are assessed so that you can see the fullest possible picture of your child’s progress through the year. All pupils transfer their progress grades to their planners and exercise books so that they too can see how well they are doing. As well as subject reports parents also receive ASPIRE reports which review overall progress and set personalised targets for improvement.
Parent Consultation Evenings
Consultation Events are held 4 times per year when you will have opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in their Learning Plans fully with subject teachers and House Leaders. An appointment system is operated and a letter is sent out well in advance informing you of times and dates.