Modern Foreign Languages

The MFL department at King’s possesses a deep-seated passion for language and, more specifically, for language learning. Our aim is to inculcate in each of our students the same passion and excitement towards the learning of a foreign language that resides within each teacher in the MFL department. We endeavour to do this through creating a learning environment that embraces the importance of language learning and through adding tangibility to the language itself. We welcome pupils of all abilities, from those with specific learning difficulties, to pupils who show exceptional linguistic talent.
All students study Spanish from Year 7 onwards through to GCSE certification in Year 11. The qualification is designed to provide all students with a solid understanding of key grammatical and linguistic concepts and processing skills. The GCSE examination has tiered Foundation and Higher entry levels across the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to cater for pupils of all abilities. The higher tier GCSE examination is excellent preparation for A-Level Spanish, which is also offered at King’s Sixth Form.
Through the study of a modern foreign language, students are able to develop and consolidate their problem-solving, analytical and evaluative skills; skills of significant importance in the world of work today. Careers requiring fluency in one or more languages include professions such as Interpreting, Translating, Marketing, Medicine, Business Management, Law and Finance amongst a plethora of others.
Courses offered:
GCSE Spanish
A level Spanish (first teaching from September 2017)
Enrichment and trips
MFL enrichment is fundamental to our approach at King’s and we provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities that are designed to encourage participation and language immersion alongside promoting linguistic challenge.
Below are just some of the examples of activities that may take place throughout the year:
European Languages Day
MFL Spelling Bee (Spanish) which will run across the whole King’s trust.
E-twinning activities
Spanish international trip (2020)
Presentations and Lectures from external speakers