The Creative Arc
Creativity through Performing Arts, Physical Education and cultural and professional enrichments stimulates and broadens student’s minds at King’s.

The creative arc has two components, creativity and activities.
The creative component will consist of art, music, physical education, technology, digital creative media, personal development, enterprise and public speaking. Whilst being compulsory in Years 7 and 8, this arc will become an ‘elective’ in later years. The creative arc will be taught mainly by leading professionals in that field of expertise.
All students will be expected to participate in a minimum of two school activities per year (sports teams, clubs, enrichment studies, Duke of Edinburgh Award, the School Cadet Force etc.)
Sport & Physical Education
King’s approach to sport is in line with the school’s central belief that education is concerned with the whole human being and that every student has the capacity to achieve something worthwhile. The main objective of the games programme is to identify and develop skills in every student, because achievement in one areas so often proves to be the key to the will to succeed in school life as a whole. We are extremely proud of our sporting provision. We pride ourselves on being the only school nationally to offer Sword Fencing, Swimming, Martial Arts & Lacrosse as a core activity for all students. In addition to these core activities, students may choose from the following PE enrichment activities: Cricket, Dance, Fitness, Football, Netball, Rowing, Rugby Union, Softball, and Table Tennis.
Physical Education is also aligned to a number of annual leadership and professional awards in swimming and life-saving, sword fencing and martial arts. Our professional staff include a Sensei in Martial Arts and one of the country’s leading coaches in Sword Fencing, all of which combine to deliver exciting and cutting edge practical learning experiences.
Outstanding performers in any sport are given every help and encouragement. If necessary, we may, after consultation with the student’s parents and teachers arrange for a degree of flexibility in his or her timetable to allow for special coaching, For example, King’s employs a specialist coach in Rowing and students are given time out of their afternoon timetables to train and compete.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts is at the very heart of the King’s community and all students follow courses in music, art and drama. Drama and music at King’s also enable students to work with the very best practitioners in modern theatre and peripatetic teaching. We endeavour to produce creative and innovative theatre which is exciting, powerful and dynamic. Indeed, the annual school productions are highlights of the King’s calendar.
Personalised Enrichment
King’s also offers a substantial academic, cultural and after school enrichment programme. More than 20 courses are offered at any one time, including: Chess, Conversational Spanish, Creative Writing, Debate Society, Digital Literacy & Web Design, Robotixx, Eco Club, Film & Media Production, Latin, Literary Society, STEM, Mensa and much more. In weekly PPE lessons (public speaking, philosophy and ethics), leaders in the fields of literacy are used to help students develop both confidence and presentational skills in their weekly lessons. Our unique link with NASA provides students with the opportunity to meet a real life Astronaut and take part in a space programme whilst our strong partnerships with Cambridge, Birmingham and Sheffield universities enable all students to experience life at a top class university first hand. All of this is delivered wherever possible through the assistance of Digital Media, with every student issued with the latest tablet device.
‘…students have made great strides in their personal development since joining the Academy. They are rightly proud of their academy and feel that they are part of a family rather than a school.’